A diagnostic instrument like no other — universally applicable, clinically validated, award-winning
The numerous applications of Model-based Pulse Wave Analysis (mbPWA) have long been well known among experts: They are based on the enormous performance of the algorithm-based measurement principle. Its strength lies not only in the unsurpassed accuracy, but also scores with the highest reliability due to the reproducibility of the determined values.
The unique selling point of Model-based Pulse Wave Analysis (mbPWA) proves itself time and again not only in the daily routine of general medical and specialist care but also in particular in the context of clinical studies: The wide variety of measurable and clinically relevant parameters forms a valuable data basis for the most diverse scientific questions.
The cornerstone of validation
The diagnostic advantages of automated measurements with VASCASSIST have been repeatedly confirmed in clinical trials.
The peripheral measurement to detect dangerous stenoses in arms and legs was validated by Saarland University in 2016. In the following year researchers at the University of Heidelberg accredited the central pressure measurement, targeting aortic parameters, thus aimed at the early detection of cardiovascular diseases.
The aortic pressure study at Heidelberg University, led by PD Dr. med. Frederic Trinkmann: “Automated non-invasive central blood pressure measurements using oscillometric radial pulse wave analysis — results of the MEASURE-cBP validation studies” won the Kurt and Erika Palm Science Prize of the German Heart Foundation,<//a> awarded for the first time that year and jointly with the German Society for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases (DGPR).
The first paper introducing Model-based Pulse Wave Analysis (mbPWA) as a new approach to cardiovascular diagnostics appeared in January 2018, titled “Multiple coupled resonances in the human vascular tree: refining the Westerhof model of the arterial system,” in the Journal of Applied Physiology: https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00405.2017.
List of publications
- Massmann, Stemler et al., Saarland University, Automated oscillometric blood pressure and pulse-wave acquisition for evaluation of vascular stiffness in atherosclerosis, Clin Res, Cardiol, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-017‑1080‑7
- de Groot, Rol, Schrauwen et al., Application and replicability of bilateral and simultaneous multiarterial blood pressure measurements in sedentary and physically active professions, CMR Journal, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artres.2018.10.167
- Schumacher, Kaden, Trinkmann, Multiple coupled resonances in the human vascular tree: refining the Westerhof model of the arterial system, J Appl Physiol, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00405.2017
- Kraushaar, Dressel, Massmann, A novel principled method for the measurement of vascular robustness uncovers hidden risk for premature CVD death, J Appl Physiol, 2018 https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00016.2018
- Bauer, Kraushaar et al., Impact of Vascular Function on Maximum Power Output in Elite Handball Athletes, Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 2019 10.1080/02701367.2019.1639602
- Frederik Trinkmann, Urs Benck, Julian Halder et al., Automated Noninvasive Central Blood Pressure Measurements by Oscillometric Radial Pulse Wave Analysis: Results of the MEASURE-cBP Validation Studies, American Journal of Hypertension 34(4) APRIL 2021 doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpaa174.