The cli­ni­cal bene­fit of the new arte­ri­al tree model — mis­si­on accomplished.


A bright future for pre­ven­ti­on and therapy

Pro­vi­ding cer­tain­ty about the indi­vi­du­al risk pro­fi­le for car­dio­vas­cu­lar dise­a­ses within minutes.


The cli­ni­cal bene­fit of the new arte­ri­al tree model


Mis­si­on accomplished


Pro­ject goal achie­ved: Based on a simu­la­ti­on model, the spe­ci­fic vas­cu­lar pro­per­ties of each pati­ent can be read indi­vi­du­al­ly from the arte­ri­al tree for the first time. With unpre­ce­den­ted pre­cis­i­on and thus with spec­ta­cu­lar bene­fits for car­dio­vas­cu­lar dia­gno­stics and therapy.

This puts cur­rent stan­dard arte­ri­al dia­gno­stics to the test: com­pared with Model-based Pul­se Wave Ana­ly­sis (mbPWA), pre­vious gold stan­dards of vas­cu­lar mea­su­re­ment lite­ral­ly look “old”.

A direct look into the vas­cu­lar system


The inge­nious thing about the mea­su­ring prin­ci­ple of Model-based Pul­se Wave Ana­ly­sis (mbPWA): Once the indi­vi­du­al arte­ri­al model — the elec­tro­ni­cal­ly gene­ra­ted ‘clo­ne’ of the arte­ri­al tree of a real per­son — has been crea­ted with the help of spe­cial soft­ware, the actu­al phy­si­cal para­me­ters can be read off in simu­la­tio­ne for the first time. Seve­ral well-known para­me­ters — inclu­ding, in par­ti­cu­lar, vas­cu­lar stiff­ness — are available within the frame­work of the deter­mi­na­ti­on via our indi­vi­dua­li­zed model, con­tra­ry to ear­lier auxi­lia­ry para­me­ter data sets, in a qua­li­ty and plau­si­bi­li­ty never befo­re achie­ved. In the cour­se of time and with an incre­asing num­ber of sub­jects, it has beco­me more and more appa­rent that the model para­me­ter sets deter­mi­ned for each indi­vi­du­al pro­vi­de a who­le wealth of cli­ni­cal­ly valuable infor­ma­ti­on. Thus, among other things, cen­tral blood pres­su­re can now also be read in the model in a new quality.

What we measure

The new para­me­ters at a glance 


  • Flow resis­tance index of the lar­ge peri­phe­ral arte­ries as a mea­su­re of permeability.
  • Arte­ri­al wall ela­s­ti­ci­ty index
  • Blood mass iner­tia index as a mea­su­re of blood fluidity
  • Pres­su­res direct­ly mea­sura­ble in the model, the most important being the aor­tic pres­su­re (cBP)
  • LVPT (Left Ven­tri­cu­lar Pla­teau Time) as a mea­su­re of car­diac prel­oad, increased, for exam­p­le, in hyper­hy­dra­ti­on (espe­ci­al­ly in dia­ly­sis pati­ents), but also in pro­lon­ged nega­ti­ve stress
  • Aor­tic Input Impe­dance Index: the indi­ca­tor of high car­diac after­load (for exam­p­le, in vas­cu­lar dama­ge such as atherosclerosis)

Know More — Pro­tect Better

The cli­ni­cal bene­fit: New opti­ons for dia­gno­sis and therapy


The model-based pul­se wave method is a ground­brea­king pro­ce­du­re in that the new mea­su­re­ment sys­tem can now actual­ly deter­mi­ne arte­ri­al pro­per­ties direct­ly with the help of arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence — and yet enti­re­ly wit­hout inva­si­ve pro­ce­du­res that are stressful for the pati­ent, such as an exami­na­ti­on with a car­diac cathe­ter. From the pre- and after­load of the heart to the ela­s­ti­ci­ty of the arte­ries and right-left dif­fe­ren­ces in peri­phe­ral blood pres­su­re, the dia­gno­stic opti­ons of Model-based Pul­se Wave Ana­ly­sis are alre­a­dy immense based on the lar­ge num­ber of para­me­ters mea­su­red — and are con­stant­ly expan­ding as part of ongo­ing studies.

Input and Out­put: The dia­gno­stic spectrum

Future appli­ca­ti­on field: Pre­ven­ting dia­ly­sis pati­ents from car­dio­vas­cu­lar damage


Sin­ce we can simu­la­te the heart’s func­tion within the arte­ri­al tree model, we can also deter­mi­ne car­diac after­load  — and even prel­oad. The after­load refers to the pres­su­re pre­vai­ling in the aor­ta and repres­ents the resis­tance against which the heart must pump con­ti­nuous­ly. The prel­oad, in turn, is sub­ject to venous return to the heart. If both — that is, the volu­me and pres­su­re load on the heart — are per­ma­nent­ly ele­va­ted, this leads to long-term dama­ge, such as left ven­tri­cu­lar hyper­tro­phy (LVH). This occurs strikin­gly often in dia­ly­sis pati­ents and leads to alar­mingly high mor­ta­li­ty rates in this pati­ent group. LVH is direct­ly rela­ted to coro­na­ry artery dise­a­se and is con­side­red a car­dio­vas­cu­lar high-risk fac­tor for myo­car­di­al infarc­tion, heart fail­ure, or sud­den car­diac death. Clo­se moni­to­ring with VASCASSIST, app­ly­ing Model-based Pul­se Wave Ana­ly­sis (mbPWA), ensu­res that the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem of dia­ly­sis pati­ents, which is working under increased pres­su­re as a result of dia­ly­sis, is pro­tec­ted from dama­ge by clo­se monitoring.

Car­dio­vas­cu­lar para­me­ters are often still too infre­quent­ly moni­to­red spe­ci­fi­cal­ly in dia­ly­sis pati­ents.
